Rejection Rates for Journals Publishing in the Atmospheric Sciences

Posted by K.WANG on September 22, 2017

Schultz, D.M., 2010: Rejection Rates for Journals Publishing in the Atmospheric Sciences. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, 231–243,

Journal name Acronym Number of submissions Rejection rate (%)
Advances in Atmospheric Science AAS 198 50.5
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP 593 12.3
Atmospheric Environment AE 1514 46.0
Atmosphere-Ocean (Combined) AO 64 30.9
Atmosphere-Ocean (Atmosphere) AO-A 42 22.2
Atmosphere-Ocean (Ocean) AO-O 22 47.4
Atmospheric Research AR 441 62.5
Atmospheric Science Letters ASL 77 40.3
Australian Meteorological Magazine AMM 28 44.0
Boundary-Layer Meteorology B-LM 161 37.9
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society BAMS 194 37.1
Climate Dynamics CD 229 27.1
Climatic Change CC 228 39.9
Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean DAO not reported 50.0
Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology EJOM 18 44.4
Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology EJSSM 16 25.0
Environmental Fluid Mechanics EFM 81 45.7
Geophysica G 6 16.7
Geophysical Research Letters GRL ~3800 59.2
Global Biogeochemical Cycles GBC ~230 57.4
International Journal of Biometeorology IJB 88 39.8
International Journal of Meteorology IJM 43 2.4
Journal of Aerosol Science JAerS 257 57.6
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association JAWMA 256 37.6
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology JAMC 262 32.1
Journal of Atmosphere and Ocean Technology (combined) JAOT 227 21.1
Journal of Atmosphere and Ocean Technology (Atmosphere) JAOT-A 154 16.2
Journal of Atmosphere and Ocean Technology (Ocean) JAOT-O 73 31.5
Journal of Atmospheric Science JAtmS 399 26.8
Journal of Climate JC 534 31.3
Journal of Fluid Mechanics JFM 877 52.0
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres JGR-Atm ~1380 29.7
Journal of Hydrometeorology JH 145 38.6
Journal of Physical Oceanography JPO 255 18.8
Meteorological Applications MA 65 47.4
Meteorologische Zeitschrift MZ 23 60.9
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics MAP 140 59.2
Monthly Weather Review MWR 409 33.7
National Weather Digest NWD 24 25.0
Natural Hazards NH 210 35.2
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science NHESS 186 10.2
Nature Nature 9847 91.5
Ocean Modelling OM 87 37.9
Physical Geography PG 95 68.4
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society QJRMS 212 26.4
Radio Science RS ~200 25.0
Space Weather SW ~73 52.1
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Atmosphere) TAOS-A 40 50.0
Theoretical and Applied Climatology TAC 103 45.6
Weather and Forecasting WAF 135 27.4
Unnamed Unnamed 120 9.1