Compile LIBEEMD in Windows

Posted by K.WANG on October 14, 2017

Compile libeemd in windows

Part I: Install EEMD packages

  1. Install Anaconda
    • Create a new environment, e.g., EEMD_ENV
    • Use terminal in EEMD_ENV

    Example Figure 1:

  2. Install m2w64-gcc, make, m2w64-pkg-config, and m2w64-gsl by using the terminal:
    • conda install make

    • conda install m2w64-pkg-config

    • conda install -c msys2 m2w64-gsl

    • conda install -c msys2 m2w64-gcc

  3. Clone repos:
    • git clone

    • git clone

  4. Goto libeemd:
    • cd libeemd

  5. Create a new folder ‘obj’ manually or in DOS:

    mkdir obj

  6. Edit Makefile in libeemd:

    line 58: Delet or comment “ln -sf $@”. This line is only for creating linkage to specific version lib. It does not work in windows.

    ln -sf $@

  7. Compile libeemd:


    It will be warning:

    1 [main] make 5020 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer.  Please report this problem to the public mailing list
     make: uname: Command not found
     cp src/eemd.h eemd.h
     make: cp: Command not found
     Makefile:60: recipe for target `eemd.h' failed
     make: *** [eemd.h] Error 127

    Igore the information above. That is only because the cmd “cp src/eemd.h” does not work. We can copy the file “src/eemd.h” manually.

    OR remove “eemd.h” in line 30:

    all:$(version) libeemd.a

    cd ..

  8. Install pyeemd:
    • cd pyeemd

    • python install

  9. Copy libeemd files
    • Find out which the pyeemd install folder is, e.g., “~/anaconda/envs/EEMD_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyeemd-1.4-py2.7.egg/pyeemd”
    • Copy “src/eemd.h”, “libeemd.a”, and “” to pyeemd install folder.
    • Rename to
  10. Finish

Part II: Examples

Taking an example of global temperature time-series

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pyeemd

url = '';

data = pd.read_csv(url,skiprows=1)

year = data['Year']
tmp = data['No_Smoothing']
tmp = np.array(tmp)

X = sm.add_constant(year)
model = sm.OLS(tmp, X).fit()
predictions = model.predict(X)

imfs = pyeemd.eemd(tmp)

fig = plt.figure() 
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.plot(year, tmp)
eemd_lin = plt.plot(year, imfs[-1,:],label='EEMD')
reg_lin = plt.plot(year, predictions,label='Linear')


trend_eemd = (imfs[-1,-1]-imfs[-1,0])/137.0*100.0
trend_linear = (predictions[134]-predictions[0])/137.0*100.0

plt.text(0.3,0.9, np.str(np.round(trend_eemd,3))+' $^o$C/100a'\
         ,  transform=ax.transAxes\
         , color = eemd_lin[0].get_color())
plt.text(0.3,0.85, np.str(np.round(trend_linear,3))+' $^o$C/100a'\
         ,  transform=ax.transAxes\
         , color = reg_lin[0].get_color())
plt.title('Test in Windows')


Example Figure:

Part III: Q&A