I have only a windows version of ANUSPLIN.
Now, I want to use it to do some interpolation tasks.
There obviously are several potential ways.
First of all, we can install virtual machine, such as Parallel Desktop.
- Too big
- Be paid
- Need to install whole windows system
However, I like a light Way: Wine + Dosbox, that I use here. Because the ANUSPLIN was basically developed with DOS interface.
- install Wine and Dosbox
- Probably, MacPort is a quick and easy way
- sudo port install wine
- sudo port install dosbox
Then, the commands need to be modify.
For example,
Raw command on Windows:
> ..\..\exec\splina < tmaxa.cmd > tmaxa.log
I need to run it with wine like the following:
> wine ../../exec/splina < tmaxa.cmd > tmaxa.log
Then, it works.